
The Beautiful, Mystifying, and Enrapturing Forest • "Wayfare" Teaser

Meet Cad Fael. "Wayfare" is a new, fully immersive, horror podcast series coming Winter 2024.

I’m commander Cad Fael, although I suspect that my title does not carry in this place. I’ve been here for a number of days - I … did not hesitate to come here, though it can take a time on my bad leg.

I’ve mostly kept myself to myself.

As I’m often perceived as some sort of beast or monster, the people have remained strangers to me.

I have sat and watched, and I have listened, and I have spent most of my time looking over the beautiful, mystifying, and enrapturing forest in the distance.

Wayfare is a Call of Cthulhu Actual Play coming Winter 2024. Fully cast, and fully immersive.

Put your name on Húran’s List, and riders will arrive in time with further news.